I was born in the last week of November, which means my birthday occasionally falls on Thanksgiving Day. Astrologically, this makes me a Sagittarius, but I am at odds with my sign. Sagittarians are meant to be extroverted, optimistic and enthusiastic; they embrace change and love travel. I am more often introverted, fatalistic and even-keeled, and I like neither change nor travel. I am, in essence, more of a turtle, but there is no turtle sign, no legendary tortoise, pinned by stars, crawling slowly across the night sky, murmuring softly ‘I told you this would happen.’
Daniel is an Aries, and this makes us very compatible. I’d hate to see what would happen if I spent sixty hours a week with a Virgo or Pisces. Aries are said to be actively enterprising, honest, and guileless, and, thankfully, Daniel embodies these characteristics, but he is rarely aggressive or egoistic, and it would be a stretch to call him organized. How about competitive? I didn’t think so, until he suggested we each design a discounted, pre-packaged, $99 six-pack of holiday wine and see who sells more.
So I said, ‘Let the games begin!’ and we each filled bags with our favorite, crowd-pleasing, food-friendly wines. These are wines we like to drink, mixed reds and whites, different styles to suit the tastes of your various and discerning friends and relatives. Come on down and check them out yourself, or give us a call and order one by phone and arrange for free delivery.
So far, we’re neck and neck, but we all know: slow and steady wins the race..
We’ll be open THANKSGIVING DAY from 10am until 4pm for last minute libations, including our solidly stupendous $99 HOLIDAY SIX PACKS curated by Max & Daniel
TONIGHT: Thursday Night Flights - French Whites and Italian Reds - 4 to 8pm
This SATURDAY 11/18 - RED BORDEAUX Tasting Flights:
Special guest Alex Finberg pours transcendent top shelf Bordeaux imported by Neil Rosenthal – Saint-Estephe, Saint-Emilion, Haut Medoc, and more - 3 to 6pm - $15
This SUNDAY - Thoroughly sophisticated Thanksgiving sippers: Tasting flights of unique and delicious wines for your holiday table – 2 to 5pm - $15
And Tuesday, November 28th, come eat and drink with us at CAMINO for a FIRE RELIEF BENEFIT to raise funds for the LATINO COMMUNITY FOUNDATION. Oakland Yard is joining forces with Nokni and Camino to aid underserved communities affected by the recent North Bay fires. Food, wine, silent auction, and raffle. 6 to 9pm $100 Buy tickets at EAST4NORTH.BROWNPAPERTICKETS.COM