At 7:27 this evening, the sun will pass directly over the Southern Tropic, or Tropic of Capricorn, and because our great star appears to ‘stand still’ in this position - sistere, in Latin - we call it a solstice. This is one of our busiest times at Oakland Yard, a week in which none of us stands still for more than a moment, particularly on this, the shortest of shopping days. It is also the time of year when the store is most full of wine, the apex of our inventory’s ebb and flow, requiring feats of organization to suitably stash the goods.
Despite the marked increase in shop activity, I also feel a sense of winding down. The year has gotten away from me - or is about to - and I’m ready to relinquish it. No more tasting appointments or emails to salespeople. I’ve begun eating the surrounding cookies with every meal; perhaps sometimes the cookies are the meal. Now that the rain has cleared, I’ve seen a steady stream of friendly faces, regulars with visiting relatives, returning Oaklanders demonstrating their own nativity, dropping in for a bottle to share with family, and I’m looking forward to many more of these happy reunions as the week comes to a close.
Big thanks to Yoko and Kayoko at Umami Mart on Broadway for including us in their stellar Holiday Shopping Guide, a truly great tool for finding fabulous gifts while supporting our small local businesses. Who knows if Amazon can make good on this year’s delivery schedule? Come pick out a last-minute gift from your neighbors down the street. Oakland Yard will be open regular hours this Saturday from noon to 9pm and OPEN this Sunday, Christmas Eve, from noon to 6pm to satisfy your outstanding needs for gifts and wine!
Taste three dry, mineral French whites or Pinot Noir from Oregon, California, and France. 2020 Domaine de la Bregeonette Folle Blanche
2021 Claude Branger Les Fils des Gras Moutons Muscadet
2022 Domaine Fouet l’Ardillon Saumur Blanc
2017 Apolloni Vineyards Willamette Valley Pinot Noir
2021 Domaine Maurice Charleux Bourgogne Rouge
2020 Folk Tree Village Series California Pinot Noir
Flights $15 from 5-9 and wines by the glass until 9pm
The GOOD STUFF, featuring small-production, grower Champagnes in three classic styles.
Forest-Marié Brut de Blancs Champagne
Tassin Brut Champagne
Alexandre Penet Premier Cru Rosé Extra Brut Champagne
Flights $25 from 2-6 and wines by the glass until 9pm