I was leaving for work the other day and my older daughter, now almost 2 1/2, came to the door to see me off. I was stretching the elastic band of my mask over my head when she asked "wha wha wha wha wha whatcha doing?". I pulled it up from my neck and over my mouth briefly. This is my mask, I replied. I wear it outside and for work.... do you want one too? She considered for a beat and then said "Nah, I'm OK. I just wear my face" and walked away with a dismissive half wave.
I wonder what the world looks like to kids these days, everyone in masks, walking around like muzzled dogs or curious comic book heroes and villains. Spiderman or Batman come to mind for many, but when I was 6 or 7 I was completely captivated by Zorro, the ever smiling, sword-wielding vigilante. The Gay Blade film was released a couple years earlier and the original series in black and white (from the late 1950s) was syndicated at that time, and regularly featured on our cartoon network. Every Saturday after the credits I would pencil a mustache on with a Crayola marker, don the cape from my brother's ancient Dracula costume, and beg my mom to pull out the yarn and black construction paper and cut out eye holes for my mask. I'd find the longest, thinnest stick in the side yard and go on a tear around the neighborhood, swashbuckling all about, carving Zs in the air and onto telephone poles and tree trunks, laughing like an old jolly fat man, affecting an absurd Spanish accent. The elderly Norwegian neighbors looking on from their balcony, wondering what the hell they put in that kid's cereal.
OAKLAND YARD is OPEN today and accepting ONLINE ORDERS and offering curbside pick up, Tuesday through Saturday from 12-5. It's a rough time for adventure seekers, masked or otherwise. But we are still here for you, with provisions for whatever curious capers are in store for your long weekend (and weeks) ahead. Still all smiles, behind these masks.